About Us
Our mission
The company EKO UNIJA SN Belgrade was founded in March 2012 to deal with the collecting and recycling of non-hazardous waste in a professional, innovative, and socially useful way and thus significantly influence the awareness of legal entities and individuals about the importance of environmental protection.
The main activity of EKO UNIJA SN Belgrade is collection, processing (sorting, cutting, baling), and trade of the non-hazardous waste of all types and categories: metal, paper/cardboard, plastic, wood, glass, EE waste.
Eko Unija SN has been expanding its activities since 2017, and in addition to collecting, it is starting to deal with the dismantling and demolition of plants and equipment, with further preparation of materials for the recycling process.
From 2021, Eko Unija SN within its business system enables the possibility of providing collection and disposal of electronic and electrical waste of all types and categories.
Eko Unija SN has all the technical and organizational conditions for the collection, transport, treatment, and storage of non-hazardous waste, in compliance with all legal regulations and standards, and following European standards.
The main strength of the company Eko Unija SN is a team of highly qualified professionals, covering all field operations, trade, procurement, sales, logistics, marketing, and finance.
For the collection, transport, and storage of non-hazardous waste Eko Unija SN owns a logistics center with modern technical mechanization – fleet equipped with special and dedicated vehicles, accompanying equipment: presses, containers, baskets, cages, iron cutting machines, excavators equipped to prepare materials for collection (with scissors) as well as all necessary permits and certificates for performing the specified activities.
In terms of technical and technological equipment, Eko Unija SN follows the trend of application of the most modern equipment, necessary for the best possible performance of this activity.

Our vision
Eko Unija SN is a relatively young company, which primarily deals with the collection and recycling of non-hazardous waste. This branch of the economy is developing and is subject to sudden changes and domino effects.
Unfortunately, waste is the last in the economic chain, and everything that happens in private ownership in a general sense is reflected in the recycling industry to a greater extent than the public is aware of. The quantities of waste that exist and are regulated by legal provisions refer only to waste that originates from the economy, ie. industrial and commercial waste and those quantities become insufficient to fill all recycling capacities in Serbia. The vast majority of secondary raw materials still end up in landfills due to the underdeveloped system of collecting secondary raw materials from municipal waste.
The system is not sufficiently developed, primarily in the area where secondary raw materials are collected. This is a consequence of the fact that large quantities of secondary raw materials are found in municipal waste. Sources of collection from this type of waste are much smaller compared to other sources. We believe that the existing system can and must be improved in this direction and in defining cooperation with public utility companies and the formation of strong partnerships between the private and public sectors that will be able to complement each other. The Eco Union is committed to this idea and we believe that this is our future strategic direction in which we have taken the first steps.
The state has defined the responsibility of all legal entities that are obliged to separate all secondary raw materials and hand them over to licensed companies for waste collection, which is further treated and finally recycled. Unfortunately, part of the waste that is generated in the homes of citizens, ie. municipal waste is not covered by this obligation. Work on establishing a system of separation of secondary raw materials from municipal waste in the previous period was reduced to sporadic attempts to establish a system of separation of households or public areas, which unfortunately gave minimal effects primarily because there was no regulatory support from the same country the reason that the projects themselves were made ad-hoc and with the aim of demonstration exercises and justification of how the funds collected from the polluters were allegedly used properly. So we did not have the viability of any set site for the stated reasons. It all comes down to the marketing gimmicks of individual waste management system operators and their polluting clients, who in various improvised ways placed colorful bins on street corners or stretched cables across water surfaces to catch plastic bottles floating there without anyone asking, “And why Is it even necessary to take the bottle out of the river if we have been investing in the system of collecting the same bottles for 7 years? ”.
Eko Unija SN has taken the first steps in establishing public-private partners and found positive answers and partners who look in the same direction, and long-term development and improvement of living conditions of our fellow citizens, which include protection of the environment in which we live.
We all have a collective responsibility to our environment, to our fellow citizens, friends, and family, to live, work and create in a healthy environment. We don’t have to wait for our “neighbors” to tell us that we need to fix our own yard. We will fix it ourselves, with our own will and effort, because it is ours and the only thing that is sustainable and correct.
Aleksandar Milović